Hermit Crab Anatomy

The photos below show Hermit crab (Pagurus dubius, family: Paguridae) that lives in sublittoral water, showing conspicuous striped legs and antenna.

Pagurus dubius

Pagurus dubius
Hermit Crab
November 2003, Tokyo Bay, Japan

The right cheliped is not shown in the photo above, which is regenerative. The photo below shows how the cheliped regenerates.

Regenerating Cheliped of Pagurus dubius

Pagurus dubius
Hermit Crab
December 2003, Tokyo Bay, Japan

The photo below shows right side of P. dubius outside its shell. Its abdomen coils clockwise. The transparent membrane covers the abdomen showing the internal organs.

Pagurus dubius

Pagurus dubius

P. dubius moves with its simple, long, and pointed white dactyls, which hang on the objects on the ground. Click the following links to play video clip of P. dubius walking with its pereopods.

Eggs of P. dubius

The photo below shows the left side of P. dubius bearing black eggs on its pleopods. P. dubius in the photo is raising the first antenna.

Pagurus dubius

Pagurus dubius

Eyes of P. dubius

P. dubius reacts fast to the movements of distant objects both in front and back of the animal. The photo below shows the compound eye of P. dubius which faces opposite directions.

Eye of Pagurus dubius

Eye of Pagurus dubius

Gills of P. dubius

The gills are located under the soft and membranous posterior carapace. The photos below show the lateral and dorsal view of the gills. P. dubius frequently cleans its gills by its fifth pereopods.

Pagurus dubius

Lateral View of Gills of P. dubius

Pagurus dubius

Dorsal View of Gills of P. dubius