
Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) is a tall plant with characteristic large oblong entire leaves. The umbel inflorescence consists of flowers with white to deep pink petals. The sap of milkweed is white, viscous, and poisonous.

Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca, family: Asclepiadaceae), July 2013, Elk Grove, IL

Milkweed flowers have five pink corolla and reflexed corolla segments. The corolla structure called hood encloses a horn that curves inward. The photo shows follicles inside of the gynostegium.

Milkweed Flower


Milkweed Flower

Shown below is milkweed follicles. The photo on the right shows the longitudinal section of a follicle. The bottom image shows the seeds.

Milkweed follicles

Milkweed follicle, vertical section

Milkweed follicle, vertical section

Milkweed seeds

In fall, the follicle opens and the seeds emerge.

Milkweed follicles, opened, October 2004, Montreal, Canada