Chonowski's Hornbeam

Chonowski's hornbeam (Carpinus tschonoskii, family: Betulaceae )

The photo shows the winged seeds of Chonowski's hornbeam (Carpinus tschonoskii, family: Betulaceae) reflecting the automn sunshine. In the spring, hornbeam trees bear catkins as do other Betulaceae plants such as alder and birch trees. The scientific name of this plant tschonoskii comes from Chonosuke, the first name of Chonosuke Sugawa (1842-1925). The photos below show the hairy twigs of the Chonowski's hornbeam which is a field marker that is used to distinguish the Chonowski's hornbeam from other hornbeams.

Trunk of Chonowski's Hornbeam

Chonowski's Hornbeam buds

Chonowski's Hornbeam seeds