
Kaki (persimmon) (Diospyros kaki, family: Ebenaceae)

The photo shows the cross section of a kaki (persimmon) fruit (Diospyros kaki, family: Ebenaceae ). The deep orange color of kaki tells us the end of automn and the beginning of winter. This kaki is the type of kaki to be eaten raw and there is another kind of astringent kaki shibu-gaki (shibu=sour, gaki (kaki)=persimmon), which is for dried kaki hoshi-gaki (hoshi=dried). The eight dark green sections in the photo are the locations where the seeds are. The seeds are hard coated. The photos below shows the bottom view and the vertical cross section of the fruit.

Kaki fruit

Kaki fruit, cross section

Kaki fruit, vertical section

Kaki seeds

Chiba, Japan