Garden spiders

The photo shows a wasp spider, a garden spider (Argiope boesenbergi. family: Araneidae). The wasp spider is so named for the black bands on its yellow abdomen. The cephalothorax is white and overall figure looks elongated. The Japanese name of this spider "naga-kogane-gumo" refers to its shape and color (naga = elongated, kogane = gold, gumo = spider). The white zig-zag strands in the middle can distract the predators and protect the spider.


Wasp Spider, Argiope bruennichii
Naga-koganegumo ナガコガネグモ
Funabashi, Chiba, Japan

August 2006 / September 2004

Argiope boesenbergi

The photo below shows Argiope boesenbergi, an argiope. The Japanese name "chu-gata kogane-gumo" refers to the size of the spider (chu = medium, kata (gata) = size, kogane = golden, kumo (gumo) = spider).

Argiope boesenbergi

Argiope boesenbergi

Argiope boesenbergi
Funabashi, Chiba, Japan, 2004