Jumping Spider
The Jumping Spider (Plexippus setipes, family: Salticidae) can often be found inside house in winter as well as in summer, and outside in the field ready to jump at anything at sight. It is small in size and has a special apparatus to attack -- a lifeline that binds the spider to the spot where it was before the attack. It is much safer to have something you can stick on before jumping at anything. As always.Its Japanese name mi-suji-hae-tori-gumo comes from the brown lines on its abdomen -- mi=3 suji=lines, or streams hae=flies tori=that catches gumo=spiders.
All scales are in centimeters. The body length is about 8 mm.
January 2004, Chiba, Japan
Jumping spiders have four pairs of eyes.
Jumping Spider, Plexippus setipes
May 2005, Chiba, Japan